Business etiquette and business correspondence

“Your behavior, not your propensity will determine your situation.”

Mastering business etiquette is the ability to be the most attractive version of oneself. The course in business etiquette and business correspondence in Educational Technologies™ includes a set of topics that address all the details of the rules of good conduct in business. Knowing these rules and gaining skills to apply them will make it easier for one to communicate in a business environment. These rules have an extremely practical origin.

The course includes a theoretical part on all the details of business etiquette and correspondence in the business world.

Correspondence is a very special genre that one has to master if they are going to climb the corporate ladder. Good business writing skills will serve one faithfully: they will help in communicating with subordinates, bosses and partners and they will put an emphasis on their education and horizons. The style of communication reveals one as a person and has a strong influence on one’s image.

After getting acquainted with all the norms of business behavior and correspondence, the course includes a practical part related to real situations or business communication in the following areas:

  • Presentation.
  • Behavior during negotiations with NLP techniques.
  • Organizing events and behaving during public events.
  • Phone conversation.
  • Behavior during a formal dinner and a business cocktail.
  • Sending gifts and greetings.

The course ends with a theoretical practical exam and a Certificate.

For information, call the listed phones in regional offices, write to the specifies e-mail or take advantage of the chat.